CDT Programs

We live in an era where anything that does not contribute directly to business results has no priority in the organization. Even when leaders recognize the importance of developing talent and the inherent risks in providing insufficient resources, development as a priority can remain a tough sell to line managers who are constantly pressured to produce short-term results with diminishing resources.

We stand behind our success in providing education and tools at every level that bridge the gap between managers' need to focus on immediate priorities and the organization's need to ensure long-term employee excellence.

We are proud to have been the key contributor to a wide-scale, global initiative that earned a position as a top three Finalist for the International SHRM Human Capital Award in Strategic Leadership.

Whether you're looking to:
  • Create collaborative, strength-based development conversations between employees and managers;
  • Help managers deal with the many issues that come up around development conversations;
  • Give employees the tools to manage their careers;
  • Ensure that the right people are in the right jobs;
  • Train your HR staff in the best tools and protocols for development,
  • Or...provide a comprehensive, integrated, strategic approach to development for the entire organization —

    —there's a program or tool in our curriculum to accomplish your goals:


         (914) 234-3200